Working with Your Child’s Smile in Mind

Sometimes, if a child is too nervous or has an over-active gag reflex, many dental procedures can become complicated and dangerous. Conscious sedation is a safe and effective way to get your little one through his/her dental procedure while making their experience positive without the need of “knocking them out”. This method affords our pediatric dentists with a reliable way to provide treatment and prevent any possible problems to your little one’s gums, teeth and jaws. At Burke Children’s Dentistry, we follow the rules and regulations of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry, which can include the usage of nitrous oxide. This compound has a calming effect on a child and allows him/her to relax and go through the procedure with no complications. Please note that if this or any other sedation procedure will be used on your child, you will be given special notice prior to and after the appointment.

La Salud Bucal es Nuestra Prioridad

Si usted está en Weslaco, Harlingen o Brownsville, Burke Children’s Dentistry está aquí para ayudar. Nos orgullecemos en hacer las visitas dentales de todos los pequeños algo divertido e informativo al ofrecer un lugar cómodo y relajante en todas nuestras ubicaciones. Para más información, no dude en llamarnos hoy mismo.